CXL Development using C++/Python

How To Issue CXL Commands Using C++/Python

The open-source CXL driver provides low-level control through the ioctl interfaces on Linux, allowing you to query supported commands and send specific commands like “Identify Memory Device”. This blog post will guide you through “How To Issue CXL Commands Using C++/Python” using these ioctl interfaces to issue commands defined in the Specification.

Source: Samsung Newsroom

Overview of CXL and ioctl

To get started using CXL Development using C++/Python, you can use the ioctl system call, a powerful Linux interface for device-specific input/output operations.

The open-source CXL driver exposes two key ioctl interfaces:

  1. CXL_QUERY_COMMAND: Used to query the device for supported commands.
  2. CXL_SEND_COMMAND: Used to send specific commands, such as “Identify Memory Device,” to the device. From Here onwards, we will be referring to the command as “Identify”.

Let’s dive into the detailed steps to query supported commands and send the Identify command using the ioctl interfaces provided by the open-source CXL driver.

#include <fcntl.h>      // For open()
#include <unistd.h>     // For close()
#include <sys/ioctl.h>  // For ioctl()
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>

// Define the device path and ioctl interfaces
#define CXL_MEM_DEV_PATH "/dev/cxl/mem0"          // Path to the CXL memory device
#define CXL_QUERY_COMMAND 0xC0506200              // ioctl for querying supported commands
#define CXL_SEND_COMMAND 0xC0506201               // ioctl for sending commands

// Command IDs from CXL specification (replace with actual values)
#define CXL_MEMDEV_IDENTIFY_COMMAND 0x4000          // Command ID for Identify

// Structure for querying commands (defined by CXL open-source driver)
struct cxl_mem_query {
    uint32_t n_commands;         // Number of commands supported
    uint32_t commands[32];       // Array to hold supported command IDs

// Structure for sending commands (defined by CXL open-source driver)
struct cxl_mem_command {
    uint32_t id;                 // Command ID to send
    uint32_t flags;              // Command-specific flags
    uint64_t in_payload;         // Pointer to input data (if required)
    uint32_t in_size;            // Size of input data
    uint64_t out_payload;        // Pointer to output buffer
    uint32_t out_size;           // Size of output buffer

// Structure for receiving Identify data (defined by CXL specification)
struct cxl_memdev_identify {
    uint64_t fw_revision[2];
    uint64_t total_capacity;
    uint64_t volatile_only_capacity;
    uint64_t persistent_only_capacity;
    uint64_t partition_alignment;
    // Add other fields as defined in the CXL specification

int main() {
    // Open the CXL memory device
    int cxl_fd = open(CXL_MEM_DEV_PATH, O_RDWR);
    if (cxl_fd < 0) {
        std::cerr << "Error: Unable to open CXL device handle." << std::endl;
        return -1;

    // Step 1: Query Supported Commands
    cxl_mem_query query = {0};  // Initialize the structure to zero
    query.n_commands = 32;      // Assume we want to query up to 32 commands

    // Query the device for supported commands
    if (ioctl(cxl_fd, CXL_QUERY_COMMAND, &query) < 0) {
        std::cerr << "Error: Failed to query supported commands." << std::endl;
        return -1;

    std::cout << "Supported commands queried successfully. Number of commands: " << query.n_commands << std::endl;

    // Check if the Identify command is supported
    bool identify_supported = false;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < query.n_commands; i++) {
        if (query.commands[i] == CXL_MEMDEV_IDENTIFY_COMMAND) {
            identify_supported = true;

    if (!identify_supported) {
        std::cerr << "Identify command is not supported." << std::endl;
        return -1;

    std::cout << "Identify command is supported." << std::endl;

    // Step 2: Send Identify Command
    cxl_mem_command identify_cmd;
    memset(&identify_cmd, 0, sizeof(identify_cmd));  // Zero out the structure
    cxl_memdev_identify identify_data; = CXL_MEMDEV_IDENTIFY_COMMAND;  // Set the command ID
    identify_cmd.out_payload = (uint64_t)&identify_data;  // Output buffer to receive data
    identify_cmd.out_size = sizeof(identify_data);  // Size of the output buffer

    // Send the Identify command
    if (ioctl(cxl_fd, CXL_SEND_COMMAND, &identify_cmd) < 0) {
        std::cerr << "Error: Failed to send 'Memory Device Identify' command." << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Memory Device Identify command sent successfully!" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "total_capacity: " << identify_data.total_capacity << std::endl;
        std::cout << "volatile_only_capacity: " << identify_data.volatile_only_capacity << std::endl;
        // Print other fields from identify_data as needed

    // Close the CXL device handle
    return 0;


  • Opening the Device: Use open() to get a file descriptor for the CXL memory device.
  • Querying Supported Commands: The CXL_QUERY_COMMAND ioctl call checks which commands are supported by the device.
  • Checking Command Support: Loop through the supported commands to verify if the Identify command is supported.
  • Sending the Command: If supported, the CXL_SEND_COMMAND ioctl call sends the Identify command and retrieves device details.

Here’s the equivalent Python implementation using the fcntl module:

import os
import fcntl
import struct  # For packing/unpacking binary data

# Define constants
CXL_MEM_DEV_PATH = "/dev/cxl/mem0"      # Replace with your actual device path
CXL_QUERY_COMMAND = 0xC0506200          # ioctl for querying supported commands
CXL_SEND_COMMAND = 0xC0506201           # ioctl for sending commands
CXL_MEMDEV_IDENTIFY_COMMAND = 0x4000      # Command ID for Identify

# Open the CXL memory device
cxl_fd =, os.O_RDWR)

    # Step 1: Query Supported Commands
    query_buf = struct.pack("I32I", 32, *([0] * 32))  # Prepare the buffer to hold the query result

    # Perform ioctl call to query supported commands
    query_result = fcntl.ioctl(cxl_fd, CXL_QUERY_COMMAND, query_buf)
    n_commands, *commands = struct.unpack("I32I", query_result)
    print(f"Supported commands queried successfully. Number of commands: {n_commands}")

    # Check if the Identify command is supported
    if CXL_MEMDEV_IDENTIFY_COMMAND not in commands[:n_commands]:
        print("Identify command is not supported.")
        print("Identify command is supported.")

        # Step 2: Send Identify Command
        identify_data = bytearray(256)  # Adjust size based on the actual structure

        # Prepare command struct for the ioctl call
        send_cmd = struct.pack("IIQIQ", CXL_MEMDEV_IDENTIFY_COMMAND, 0, 0, identify_data, len(identify_data))

        # Send the identify command using ioctl
        fcntl.ioctl(cxl_fd, CXL_SEND_COMMAND, send_cmd)

        # Unpack the response (replace format with actual structure from the CXL specification)
        total_capacity, volatile_only_capacity, persistent_only_capacity, partition_alignment = struct.unpack("I I 16s Q", identify_data[:32])
        print(f"total_capacity: {total_capacity}")
        print(f"volatile_only_capacity: {volatile_only_capacity}")
        #add more prints according to CXL Specification

    # Close the CXL device handle


  • Prepare the Query Buffer: Use struct to pack data into a binary format suitable for the ioctl call.
  • Query Supported Commands: Use fcntl.ioctl() to invoke CXL_QUERY_COMMAND and receive the list of supported commands.
  • Check Command Support: After querying the supported commands, check if the Identify command is in the list. This is done by comparing the command IDs returned by the query against the CXL_MEMDEV_IDENTIFY_COMMAND constant.
  • Prepare the Command Structure: Create a buffer to hold the output data from the command. For this example, we allocate a bytearray large enough to accommodate the expected output.
  • Pack Command Data: Use struct.pack() to format the command data for the ioctl call. This includes setting the command ID, output buffer, and buffer size.
  • Send the Command: Operate with the CXL_SEND_COMMAND interface to send the Identify command and retrieve the response.
  • Unpack the Response: After sending the command, unpack the data received into meaningful fields like vendor ID, device ID, serial number, and total memory size.

Key Points

  • Device path: Make sure the device path (/dev/cxl/mem0) matches the actual path of your CXL device.
  • Command ID: The CXL_QUERY_COMMAND and CXL_SEND_COMMAND opcodes, as well as command IDs such as CXL_MEMDEV_IDENTIFY_COMMAND, should be replaced with the correct values ​​according to your CXL device’s specification and the open-source driver documentation.
  • Error handling: Both the C++ and Python examples include basic error handling. Consider adding more extensive checking and logging in a production environment.
  • Buffer size: Adjust the buffer size based on the actual data structures defined in the CXL specification. Make sure the allocated memory is sufficient to handle the expected output.


Using the ioctl interface provided by the open-source CXL driver allows developers to directly interact with the CXL device at a low level. By querying the device for supported commands and sending specific commands such as “memory device identify”, you gain granular control over device management.

The C++ and Python examples provided demonstrate how to perform these operations using ioctl system calls, providing a flexible approach to integrating CXL device interactions into your applications and tools. Whether you are developing new features, debugging issues, or optimizing device performance, understanding and using these low-level interfaces is critical for effective CXL device management.

Feel free to experiment with the provided code snippets and adapt them to your specific use cases and CXL device specifications. As CXL technology continues to evolve, staying up to date with the latest driver documentation and specification changes will ensure that your interactions with CXL devices remain accurate and efficient.

If you want to know more about the technology, please check: CXL | Byte And Buzz

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